Sunday, June 01, 2008

May 2008

A friend and I went to the Charlotte Roller Girls roller derby bout this month. It was a lot of fun and the girls let fans come down to the floor after the bout for autographs and photos. You can click on the photo to enlarge. I'm sure we'll be going back.

There's a lot of things about me that my friends don't know. That should be a good attention grabber.

I have an obsession with the history of professional wrestling. I don't mean the stuff we see these days, but beginning in the early 1900's, through the carnival days and up to around 1984. And yes, I know how it all works and all the terms. I've considered writing a book on the subject. But I digress.
Penny Banner was a top female wrestler for several decades. I was fortunate to become acquainted with her during her retirement years. Penny passed away two weeks ago after a long fought battle with cancer. I had transferred some old Super 8 movies I had to video tape for her. She added some footage of her wrestling in Madison Square Garden, along with an interview. It's one of my prized possessions. Her real name was Mary Ann. To me, she will always be Penny.

Charlotte Gender Alliance is one year old. This time last year, we had no idea we would be the group we are today. We knew something like this was needed and we were proven right. A lot of our success comes from a number of non TG supporters. They know who they are and we appreciate them.

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