This past Saturday evening was a bingo fund raiser in Greenville, SC for Sean's Last wish. All in all it was a great kickoff for the new year, a year in which fund raising is going to be an issue for every foundation. All we can do is keep the faith and continue doing what we do. You can click the photos below to enlarge. The first one is my dear friend Leslie, also a board member. The third photo is of four board members, Elke, Pam, Jim and Leslie. Beth was unable to make it Saturday evening.
As you read in previous posts, the parole hearing for Stephen Moller is February 11th. I plan to be in Columbia, SC for the hearing. At the very latest, he will be released in July. The larger issue for him is what is going to happen with the rest of his life. My sincere prayer is for him to turn around and find a genuine focus.
I've been very busy with our Charlotte Interfaith Coalition meeting this coming Thursday. For people of different faiths to gather in one place with the purpose of reaching out to the LGBT community is almost overwhelming. This is a major step outside my comfort zone but it's not the first time I've done that in the last year. This is something which is way past time to do. It will be a meeting which is truly ecumenical.
Last of all for today, a word to the person who signed into Charlotte Gender Alliance last week with the intent of stirring up controversy. It didn't work. I know who you are. An unfortunate reality in the transgender community is that we have some would be leaders who preach equality and dignity but are unable to grant it to others. Some who wish to be leaders have not learned you first must be the least.
President Obama has spoken of leaving the pettiness of the past behind. I would suggest a few people in our community would do well to listen carefully to those words.