Friday, December 16, 2005

The Iraqi election, Transamerica (the movie)

The election in Iraq was held yesterday. Irrespective of my personal view on whether invading Iraq was right or wrong, as I view photos of people who had courage to vote in the face of danger, it brings home the fact of how fortunate we are in this country.

'Freedom isn't free'. Freedom entails courage and sacrifice. We tend to take for granted that the basic freedoms we enjoy were purchased with the blood and tears of generations of brave human beings. When I saw the above photo of an Iraqi woman who had just voted, I saw pride in her eyes for being able to do something we have come to consider a fundamental right.

As transgendered individuals, whatever our place on the gender path, we have a fundamental right to be proud of who we are. Our right to self expression is one the freedoms for which there has been a high price. I believe we have an obligation to take pride within ourselves in being who we are, perhaps even an obligation to the community.

It is an often used phrase that we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. The level of acceptance we enjoy in society today is the result of the courage and sacrifice of so many brothers and sisters, most of whom are unsung heroes. When we think of our freedom, their legacy deserves to be remembered.

(photo above courtesy 'bluemeany') href="">

On a different note, Transamerica - the movie ( starring Felicity Hufffman (Desperate Housewives), who plays the title role of Bree, a transexual woman in pursuit of her dream.

This movie has been nominated for two Golden Globe awards, including Felicity Huffman for best actress. In viewing the trailers, I find several scenes that strike rather close to my heart.

This is an instance where the transexual role as portrayed by a genetic woman is extremely well done. Scheduled for release 12/23/05.

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