Saturday, December 27, 2008

Post Christmas

Christmas was unique in many ways this year. I did not see any of my family, which is something that brings sadness to all of us who are in this situation. I sincerely hope that changes. I did have email contact with my daughter, with the plan for us to have dinner soon.

Our Christmas Day open house at the LGBT Community Center was a major success. There were lots of people I met for the first time. I had an RSVP from the priest at a Buddhist Temple in Charlotte. He wanted to come and support our community. He was most welcome and a very nice gentleman to talk with. I hope we see him again soon.

The cool thing, and what we wanted was for people of differing faiths and orientation to come together to enjoy each other's company. It was a good thing to do and I'm sure we will do it again.

Christmas Eve I had lunch with Linda, a dear friend I had not seen in a while. In the evening we had a chili supper, then the Candlelight Service at church. It's always one of the more special times of Christmas and this year was no exception.

Melanie is having problems with her knees still, so we got together Christmas night. Otherwise she would have been at the open house Christmas day. All in all, a wonderful Christmas.


Elizabeth Urso said...

If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give. nice post and thanks for sharing...

Charlotte Welcher said...

A wise lover values not so much the gift of the lover as the love of the giver. nice post and thanks for sharing...